- COR::communitiesThe communities and crime data set
- COR::ethylene_COThe chemical sensor data set
- DIRMR::dataHox pupil popularity data
- DIRMR::df1Hox pupil popularity data with missing popularity scores
- DLEGFM::DJIADow Jones industrial average
- DLEGFM::ISEIstanbul Stock Exchange
- DLEGFM::SECINew York Stock Exchange Composite Index
- DLEGFM::SPPStock Portfolio Performance
- DLPCA::ApplicationApplication
- DLPCA::IrisIris
- DLPCA::gt2011Gas-Turbine CO and NOx Emission Data
- DLPCA::gt2012Gas-Turbine CO and NOx Emission Data
- DLPCA::gt2013Gas-Turbine CO and NOx Emission Data
- DLPCA::gt2014Gas-Turbine CO and NOx Emission Data
- DLPCA::gt2015Gas-Turbine CO and NOx Emission Data
- ISR::PM2.5PM2.5
- ISR::orangeorange
- ISR::ozoneozone
- ISR::reviewreview
- LIC::airfoilAirfoil self-noise
- LIC::estateReal estate valuation
- LIC::gt2015Gas turbine NOx emission
- ORKM::QCMThe QCM data set with K=5.
- ORKM::Washington_citesThe third view of Washington data set.
- ORKM::Washington_contentThe second view of Washington data set.
- ORKM::Washington_inboundThe third view of Washington data set.
- ORKM::Washington_outboundThe fourth view of Washington data set.
- ORKM::Wisconsin_citesThe first view of Wisconsin data set.
- ORKM::Wisconsin_contentThe second view of Wisconsin data set.
- ORKM::Wisconsin_inboundThe third view of Wisconsin data set.
- ORKM::Wisconsin_outboundThe fourth view of Wisconsin data set.
- ORKM::cora_view1The first view of Cora data set.
- ORKM::cora_view2The second view of Cora data set.
- ORKM::cora_view3The third view of Cora data set.
- ORKM::cora_view4The fourth view of Cora data set.
- ORKM::cornell_citesThe first view of Cornell data set.
- ORKM::cornell_contentThe second view of Cornell data set.
- ORKM::cornell_inboundThe third view of Cornell data set.
- ORKM::cornell_outboundThe fourth view of Cornell data set.
- ORKM::labelTexasTrue clustering labels for Texas data set.
- ORKM::labelWashingtonTrue clustering labels for Washington data set.
- ORKM::labelWisconsinTrue clustering labels for Wisconsin data set.
- ORKM::labelcoraTrue clustering labels for Cora data set.
- ORKM::labelcornellTrue clustering labels for Cornell data set.
- ORKM::movie_1The first view of Movie data set.
- ORKM::movie_2The second view of Movie data set.
- ORKM::seedA single-view data set named Seeds.
- ORKM::sobarA single-view data set named Sobar.
- ORKM::texas_citesThe first view of Texas data set.
- ORKM::texas_contentThe second view of Texas dataset.
- ORKM::texas_inboundThe third view of Texas data set.
- ORKM::texas_outboundThe fourth view of Texas data set.
- ORKM::turelabelTure label of Movie data set.
- SOPC::HeartHeart failure
- SOPC::HuggingHugging
- SOPC::PSAProstate Specific Antigen