1. COR::communities
    The communities and crime data set
  2. COR::ethylene_CO
    The chemical sensor data set
  3. DIRMR::data
    Hox pupil popularity data
  4. DIRMR::df1
    Hox pupil popularity data with missing popularity scores
    Dow Jones industrial average
    Istanbul Stock Exchange
    New York Stock Exchange Composite Index
    Stock Portfolio Performance
  9. DLPCA::Application
    matrix|48 x 15
  10. DLPCA::Iris
  11. DLPCA::gt2011
    Gas-Turbine CO and NOx Emission Data
  12. DLPCA::gt2012
    Gas-Turbine CO and NOx Emission Data
  13. DLPCA::gt2013
    Gas-Turbine CO and NOx Emission Data
  14. DLPCA::gt2014
    Gas-Turbine CO and NOx Emission Data
  15. DLPCA::gt2015
    Gas-Turbine CO and NOx Emission Data
  16. ISR::CKD
    matrix|400 x 18
  17. ISR::HCV
    matrix|615 x 13
  18. ISR::PM2.5
    matrix|43824 x 12
  19. ISR::orange
  20. ISR::ozone
    matrix|112 x 11
  21. ISR::review
    matrix|980 x 10
  22. LIC::airfoil
    Airfoil self-noise
  23. LIC::estate
    Real estate valuation
  24. LIC::gt2015
    Gas turbine NOx emission
  25. ORKM::QCM
    The QCM data set with K=5.
  26. ORKM::Washington_cites
    The third view of Washington data set.
  27. ORKM::Washington_content
    The second view of Washington data set.
  28. ORKM::Washington_inbound
    The third view of Washington data set.
  29. ORKM::Washington_outbound
    The fourth view of Washington data set.
  30. ORKM::Wisconsin_cites
    The first view of Wisconsin data set.
  31. ORKM::Wisconsin_content
    The second view of Wisconsin data set.
  32. ORKM::Wisconsin_inbound
    The third view of Wisconsin data set.
  33. ORKM::Wisconsin_outbound
    The fourth view of Wisconsin data set.
  34. ORKM::cora_view1
    The first view of Cora data set.
    matrix|2708 x
  35. ORKM::cora_view2
    The second view of Cora data set.
    matrix|2708 x
  36. ORKM::cora_view3
    The third view of Cora data set.
    matrix|2708 x
  37. ORKM::cora_view4
    The fourth view of Cora data set.
    matrix|2708 x
  38. ORKM::cornell_cites
    The first view of Cornell data set.
  39. ORKM::cornell_content
    The second view of Cornell data set.
  40. ORKM::cornell_inbound
    The third view of Cornell data set.
  41. ORKM::cornell_outbound
    The fourth view of Cornell data set.
  42. ORKM::labelTexas
    True clustering labels for Texas data set.
  43. ORKM::labelWashington
    True clustering labels for Washington data set.
  44. ORKM::labelWisconsin
    True clustering labels for Wisconsin data set.
  45. ORKM::labelcora
    True clustering labels for Cora data set.
  46. ORKM::labelcornell
    True clustering labels for Cornell data set.
    matrix|195 x 1
  47. ORKM::movie_1
    The first view of Movie data set.
  48. ORKM::movie_2
    The second view of Movie data set.
  49. ORKM::seed
    A single-view data set named Seeds.
  50. ORKM::sobar
    A single-view data set named Sobar.
  51. ORKM::texas_cites
    The first view of Texas data set.
  52. ORKM::texas_content
    The second view of Texas dataset.
  53. ORKM::texas_inbound
    The third view of Texas data set.
  54. ORKM::texas_outbound
    The fourth view of Texas data set.
  55. ORKM::turelabel
    Ture label of Movie data set.
  56. SOPC::Heart
    Heart failure
  57. SOPC::Hugging
  58. SOPC::PSA
    Prostate Specific Antigen